Hi, ik ben Zeno! Ongeveer 1 jaar oud. Ik hou van korte wandelingen, lange wandelingen en spelen met de bal. Ik ga goed om met kinderen, andere honden en katten
Zeno is very friendly with people and immediately connects with them. He is fun to have around and usually relaxes most of the day. He loves playing with toys and would bring them to you. He loves long walks in parks or green areas, but short walks are also okay during bad weather.
He is subject to impulses (cats, tasty things on the street, other people on the street, and sometimes reactive towards larger male dogs,...), so experience with dogs is useful.
I am doing a PhD at the university and it can get hectic sometimes, I could use some help during that with a walk or babysitting!
Baasjes en vrijwilligers uit de buurt komen eenvoudig met elkaar in contact voor hulp met uitlaten, oppassen of zelfs logeren. Het kan via HondjeUitlaten.nl